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博俐运参加 第七届 亚太智慧供应链与物流创新博览会
来源:博俐运 | 作者:博俐运 | 发布时间: 60天前 | 280 次浏览 | 分享到:
博俐运(BALYO)在此次展会展出专为高位仓储货架而设计的 AGV 叉车机器人解决方案。博俐运中国团队将与到场来宾、业界专家共同探讨应对亚太地区的仓储物流自动化升级的挑战与机遇,以及中国地区自动化、数字化、智能化未来发展策略。

第七届亚太智慧供应链与物流创新峰会&生态精品展(SSCL APAC 2024)于 5月在上海召开。

博俐运(BALYO)在此次展会展出专为高位仓储货架而设计的 AGV 叉车机器人解决方案。博俐运中国团队将与到场来宾、业界专家共同探讨应对亚太地区的仓储物流自动化升级的挑战与机遇,以及中国地区自动化、数字化、智能化未来发展策略。

BALYO had a great time exhibiting our high-bay autonomous robot solution at the 7th Smart Supply Chain Logsitics Innovation (SSCL Innovation) by SZ&W Group 泽为资讯集团 held in Shanghai last week.
We are also honored to announce that BALYO has received the Best Robotics & Automation Award, reflecting our commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of robotics and automation, particularly in high bay storage and autonomous pallet movement.

The interest and necessity for warehouses to utilize all vertical space in their existing warehouses is pushing industries to consider simple, flexible automation like infrastructure-free driverless forklifts

Automation is the key to achieving operational flexibility. See if driverless forklifts make sense for your pallet movements in 2024 & beyond.




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