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来源:AGILOX | 作者:AGILOX | 发布时间: 124天前 | 581 次浏览 | 分享到:






  • 空间利用最大化:传统设置往往因叉车所需的宽阔通道而浪费宝贵的仓库空间。而智能自主内部物流解决方案则通过全向驱动和前瞻性规划,实现了空间利用的最大化。

  • 持续高效运行:自主运输系统全天候无间断地工作,它们能够在最有效率的时间段内运行,并与员工和其他车辆无缝协作,确保生产流程的顺畅进行。

  • 减少员工流动成本:当自主物流系统接管基本的运输任务时,与人员流动、招聘和培训相关的繁琐流程和成本将大幅减少。这不仅降低了企业的运营成本,还为企业创造了更加稳定、高效的工作环境。


When it comes to automation in production logistics, the options vary significantly, leading to crucial differences in performance and savings potential. On one hand, there are inflexible solutions like conveyor belts and guide rail-bound transport systems. On the other hand, there's a dynamic and adaptable alternative: autonomously acting transport systems.

The advantages of autonomous systems are undeniable. They bring unmatched flexibility, enabling seamless adjustments to changing logistics processes and warehouse reorganizations. This adaptability translates into significant long-term savings compared to rigid logistics solutions.

Moreover, AGILOX autonomous systems are designed with redundancy in mind, mitigating the risk of a complete standstill due to a central control unit failure. The AGILOX swarm consists of independent units, ensuring continuous operation even in the face of technical glitches.

Now, let's delve into the direct cost savings brought about by automation:

  • Optimal Space Utilization: Traditional setups often waste precious warehouse space with wide connecting paths for forklifts. Smart autonomous intralogistics solutions, however, leverage omnidirectional drives and forward-thinking planning for maximum space utilization.

  • Continuous Operation: Autonomous transport systems work tirelessly, offering 24/7 service or operating exactly when it's most efficient, while seamlessly integrating with your employees and other vehicles.

  • Lower Staff Turnover: By letting autonomous logistics systems handle basic transport processes, the complications and costs associated with workforce turnover, recruitment, and training are significantly reduced.




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